Christina Warinner co-PI on €50M DFG Excellence Cluster Grant awarded to FSU for Microverse!

Balance of the Microverse is a research cluster that, on September 27, 2018, was selected as one of the Clusters of Excellences to be funded by the German Excellence Strategy Programme.

Complex microorganisms can be found in nearly all habitats on our earth. Their interactions between each other, with other organisms and with their environment are of great significance for the functioning of ecosystems, our climate and the well-being of plants, animals and humans. Anthropogenic impact or infectious microorganisms can cause a dramatic imbalance in microbial communities, resulting in the deterioration of ecosystems, weather extremes, severe crop loss or diseases. The vision of the Microverse Cluster is to investigate the dynamic balance of complex microbial communities from the molecular to the ecosystem level. This should enable us to develop new technologies to maintain the balance or restore it.

The Cluster combines the expertise of the profile lines LIFE and LIGHT in microbiology, chemical biology, infection biology, clinical medicine, ecology, optics/photonics, materials science, bioinformatics, and ethics at the University, the University Hospital, and eight non-university research institutes. The Cluster builds on the Graduate School Jena School for Microbial Communication, and is supported by four Collaborative Research Centres, additional coordinated research programmes, and local industry partners.

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