Evolution and Ecology of the Oral Microbiome
The oral microbiome is the second largest human-associated microbial community, after the gut, and oral microbes exhibit an astounding diversity of predicted protein functions compared with other body sites. Focusing on a diverse set of archaeological dental calculus samples, this project seeks to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the human oral microbiome by tracing major taxonomic and functional shifts in the hominid lineage.

The oral microbiome, and dental plaque in particular, holds a special place in the history of microbiology. The first undisputed description of bacteria appears in a letter written by Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to the Royal Society of London in 1683 in which he describes “very many small living Animals, which moved themselves very extravagantly” within his dental plaque. Attempting in vain to count them, he noted, ‘The number of these animals in the scurf of mans [sic] Teeth, are so many that I believe they exceed the number of Men in a kingdom.’ Van Leeuwenhoek’s analogy is, if anything, understated. The average healthy person carries on the surface of their teeth nearly as many bacteria as there are humans on the Earth, and every day each of us swallows an average of 80 billion bacteria in our saliva. The human oral cavity is thus more than a kingdom, it is an entire world unto itself.
Focusing on a diverse set of archaeological dental calculus samples, this project seeks to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the human oral microbiome by tracing major taxonomic and functional shifts in the hominid lineage. This project is run in collaboration with the Oral Microbiome Evolution Consortium (OMEC). See also: MPI-SHH Oral Microbiome Project page
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