Our “A-Z of ancient DNA protocols for shotgun Illumina Next Generation Sequencing” are now available on Protocols.io!

A big congratulations to James Fellows-Yates for coordinating our efforts to make our ancient DNA protocols open and available on the repository Protocols.io! The compilation “A-Z of ancient DNA protocols for shotgun Illumina Next Generation Sequencing” contains 12 complete bench protocols for each step of ancient DNA analysis, from sampling and extraction to library construction and pooling for sequencing. Whether you’re working with petrous bone, dentine, or dental calculus, you’ll find what you need here. Protocol contributors: James A Fellows Yates, Franziska Aron, Gunnar Neumann, Irina Velsko, Eirini Skourtanioti, Eleftheria Orfanou, Zandra Fagernäs, Raphaela Stahl, Aida Andrades Valtuena, Christina Warinner, Wolfgang Haak, Guido Brandt.