Mustang Ancient DNA Symposium, Kathmandu, Nepal, March 4, 2024

An interdisciplinary symposium at the crossroads of microbiology, paleogenetics, archeology, and bioinformatics.

Welcome to a journey through time and genetics at the 2024 Mustang Ancient DNA Symposium hosted by Tribhuvan University in Kathmandu, Nepal. This event brings together leading experts in archaeology and genetics to unveil the hidden stories of ancient Himalayas, with a focus on the Mustang region of Nepal. Attesting to the power of interdisciplinary collaboration, this symposium explores the fascinating intersections of archaeology, microbiology, genetics, and bioinformatics to reveal lost histories of human migrations, the early brewing of chaang barley wine, and the spread of malaria through trade networks. Join us for an enlightening experience that bridges the ancient and the modern, revealing the continuous thread of human adaptation, cultures, and innovation. For more information, visit our Speakers Page. The event is open to the public, but attendees are kindly requested to register.