The Warinner Group’s research is broadly situated within the fields of archaeology, molecular biology, anthropology, and evolutionary medicine, with a focus on (1) the evolution and changing ecology of the human microbiome, (2) the origins and diversification of human foods, (3) human-microbial interactions, and (4) the population history of ancient peoples.
Our work has been described as archaeological science, microbial archaeology, and archaeology of the invisible, and our methods draw from both the biological and social sciences and include metagenomics, metaproteomics, metabolomics, microscopy, light stable isotope mass spectrometry, nutritional biochemistry, ethnography, and ethnohistorical analysis.
Our research spans the globe, with current projects in Germany, Spain, Nepal, Mongolia, Mexico, Austria, Costa Rica, Italy, Peru, Cameroon, Uganda, Turkey, Jordan, and the UK, among others.