Adventures in Archaeological Science Coloring Book

Created by scientists at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History. Edited by Christina Warinner and Jessica Hendy, with special contributions by: Zandra Fagernäs, Jessica Hendy, Allison Mann, Åshild Vågane, Ke Wang, and Christina Warinner (~10.3 MB). Scroll down to see all available translations.
Want to learn more about the history of the coloring book and how it came to be? Check out this interview with Dr. Christina Warinner on the inspiration for the coloring book and the story behind its makers!
Coloring book availability
The coloring book is currently available in two formats: (1) a free downloadable PDF (see below), and (2) a printed hard copy available for international ordering on Amazon. To download the free PDF, simply click on one of the coloring book images below. To order a coloring book on Amazon, click here to see available options. Please note that we in the process of uploading our translations to Amazon so check back often to see updates!
Track the progress of all translations in progress here, and follow our Facebook page for more updates. If you would like to volunteer to translate the coloring book into your native language, please contact Dr. Christina Warinner at christina_warinner@eva.mpg.de and include “Coloring Book translation” in the subject header. You can read more about our coloring book project on the Nature Ecology and Evolution blog.
Our translators are amazing role models – archaeologists, biologists, linguists, and teachers from around the world who have volunteered their time to help communicate the fun of archaeological science to kids. On our Meet our Translators page, you can learn about where they’re from, what they were like as kids, and what inspired them to pursue their own careers. Be sure to check out their research article links to learn more about their recent research projects.
Currently available translations (click to download PDF):

New translations coming soon, including:
فارسی (Farsi)
Bichelamar (Bislama)
हिन्दी (Hindi)
and more!
We’d also like to especially thank Rosalina Tincopa and Ts’episo Seisa for helping us expand our representation of South American and African languages.